AML Risk Checker

Check an address or transaction and avoid risks.
Private. Secure. Easy.

Go to your AML Dashboard
Here you can see the order and check history of your Key
Choose Amount of Credits
Choose Method of Payment
Load an existing Key (Optional)
If you leave this field blank a new Credits Key will be generated for you.
Your Credits Key
Specify the Coin and Network
Transaction to Check
Address to Check
Recipient Address to be Checked
Go to your AML Dashboard
Here you can see the order and check history of your Key

Keep your Funds Clean

Receiving a payment or swapping coins and then, when trying to use those funds, having them blocked and your identity associated with its illicit past can be a nightmare! A great way of avoiding that is doing an AML check on funds you receive!

Quick and Easy

Buy a few (or many) credits using your preferred coin and get reliable info about the funds you're dealing with! No registration is needed, and with your unique key you can check your assessment history anytime!

Check addresses or transactions in 4 steps:

1. Buy or refill your unique key using your preferred coin through the 'Buy Credits' tab.

2. When your key receives its credits, choose if you want to do a transaction or address check, paste the cryptocurrency address or transaction hash in the field and select the network that you are checking.

3. If you are checking a transaction, you also need to provide the recipient address that will have its received funds checked. Then click the Check button.

4. You'll see the AML check result and can investigate the funds to decide if you should interact with the related party or not.

AML Risk Check F.A.Q.

  • Anti-Money Laundering checks are an important part of the cryptocurrency environment. While we strongly support the usage of anonymous and fungible crypto such as Monero, most coins (like Bitcoin and Ethereum) are traceable, which can create a privacy and compliance nightmare for users. When transacting with others using traceable coins it is important performing due dilligence with the funds received. If users don't check the funds others send them, they might have those funds blocked later when transferring to exchanges or using them at services with compliance requirements.

    These AML checks provide a report about the health of the funds according to anti-money laundering parameters, such as the percentage of the amount involved in scams, dark markets, illicit activities, sanctioned entities, stolen funds, etc.

    Most AML check services require registration or are outright unaccessible to regular users. We encourage everyone to check the risk of their funds and be aware that they are transacting in a transparent blockchain.

    We believe that not only big companies should have information regarding the risk of funds. This information should be available to the regular user, who should also be able to check it with privacy.

  • You can purchase credits paying with any cryptocurrency available at Trocador. You can get as many keys as you want and add credits to existing keys at any time.

  • Checking an address is pretty straightforward: you are checking the funds that are located in a particular crypto address at the moment of the check.

    Checking a transaction hash means that you will check the specific funds that were moving to one of the addresses involved in the transaction. Since some transactions have many outputs, you are asked to confirm which of the addresses involved is the one you are interested in. Usually it's best checking transactions, as it catches the risk of the exact funds you're interested in.

  • You can check your Key's history at the AML Dashboard. For ease of use, if you are logged in, you'll have a Key associated with your profile and won't need to provide it everytime. If you want to use a different Key simply log out and you'll have the freedom to use as many different Keys as you desire.

    Trocador never uses your AML Check history for any analysis or statistics. We also don't store these checks, everytime you access the dashboard they're fetched directly from the AML Check provider.